Aesthetic Medicine

Mitigating the effects of aging with minimal downtime and negligible risk

Restore Natural Beauty

Esthetic Medicine involves non-invasive to minimally invasive medical procedures aimed at enhancing the patient's physical appearance and satisfaction. Local anesthesia can be used during certain procedures, while others can be performed without it. At QIAM, we maintain a holistic approach for all treatments, using natural products whenever possible.

Dr. Bryant works in tandem with the team at Quantum Integrative Medicine, offering a free initial consultation to understand a patient's goals and concerns. QIAM offers various aesthetic services, which include Laser tattoo removal/reduction, Dermal resurfacing, Neurotoxin injections, Dermal Filler injections, Microdermabrasion, Microneedling, Skin Rejuvenation, Nutrition, Hair Removal, Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP), Radio Frequency (RF), Scar Management, Cryotherapy, Venous Lesion Ablation, Pigmented Lesion Ablation, Tattoo Ablation and Revision, and Cosmetic Professional Skincare Solutions.

Red Light Therapy

Red Light Therapy is the first and only non-invasive device for immediate fat loss without dieting, pain, or adverse outcomes. In only 32 minutes, patients lose an average of 3.5” and 1.6 liters of fat from the waist, hips and thighs at each visit.

Body Contouring

Face Lift

Fat Loss

Red Light Therapy is the most powerful and effective treatment for noninvasive fat loss and beautiful skin, for any skin type or body type. You will love the impressive results!

With the noninvasive skin treatment, Red Light Therapy can take 10 – 15 years off your face in only two weeks! It significantly improves your skin and neckline. Maintain your youthful appearance with monthly touch-ups.

Body ContouringRed Light Therapy is the only body contouring device rated as risk group 1, the safest category of medical devices, and the same risk group as a tongue depressor.

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